Prepping for Hurricane Season


A common misconception is that hurricane season only affects those living along the shore when in reality, hurricanes can cause damage hundreds of miles away from the shore. When hurricane season approaches, it's essential to be adequately prepared to ensure maximum safety during storms.

How to Prep

As hurricane season approaches, you should take five essential steps to make sure you are ready for upcoming weather conditions.

  1. Write down an evacuation plan

Residences near the coast or any mobile home units may have to evacuate in the event of a major storm. The local government will give instructions on evacuating, but it's also beneficial to create your own plan prior to any emergencies. This will make it easier to handle where to seek shelter, plans for your pets, and even give you time to do a trial run.

  1. Review your insurance plans

Understanding your insurance policies is essential when preparing for hurricane season. It's always important to know your options for rebuilding or repairing your home or replacing your belongings. Individuals who live near the coast should consider a separate policy for protection against wind and windblown water damages.

  1. Take inventory of personal property

This will not only make sure you have coverage on your items, but it can also help speed up the claims process and be beneficial in case of applying for disaster aid.

  1. Protect your home

Hurricanes can cause major damage to homes and businesses. Here are a few tips for better protection:

  • Cut any weak branches and trees
  • Replace gravel or rock landscaping with shredded bark
  • Replace old garage doors and tracks
  • Make sure all sliding glass doors are made with tempered glass
  • Install storm shutters
  • Seal outside wall openings
  1. Don't wait for an issued hurricane warning, already have the following items ready to go:
  • Candles or fuel-powered lamps
  • Batteries
  • Flashlights
  • Matches
  • Food that doesn't require cooking or refrigeration
  • Emergency tools such as plywood, a hammer, a wrench, etc.
  • A three day supply of drinking water
  • Prescription drugs
  • A first aid kit
  • A portable NOAA weather radio

Also, remember to bring as many of these as you can if evacuation is required.

Contact A Lawyer

If your home or business has suffered hurricane damage, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Here at The Property Advocates, P.A, we have the knowledge and skill to get the compensation you deserve. Let us help you.

Contact us today at (786) 686-5045 or visit us online to schedule a free consultation and review the details of your case.